A friend of mine once observed of art as an occupation as something one is compelled to do. To me this means that the one called to be an artist cannot do anything else. At least, he may be moderately successful in another pursuit, but something will always be nagging him, like the itch that can’t be scratched, or more severely, the voice in his head that is always calling and won’t go away.
I am compelled to be an artist by many things: beauty, the creative process, building something from nothing, all of the artistic accomplishments of years past, the victory at the end. However, I am mostly compelled because God has called me. He has fascinated me with it. Even more so, He has fascinated me with Himself.
In theology, we marvel at God being Creator of the Universe, but then we move on and put that “role” or function of God on the shelf, as if it is just a spot on the timeline of history and God stopped with the seventh day rest. What we fail to realize is that being a Creator is the Essence of who He is, His very Nature. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit made this world out of His great and overflowing love, and all of creation belongs to Him and is subject to His Love. To really know Him is to know His creative heart. Who else could dream up a way for Himself to live in us, His created ones? Who else could dream up Emmanuel, God becoming one of us?
We artist believers deal with fear of rejection, of not being perfect, of failure, of the uncertainty of the empty canvas or the next dance move. Afraid of losing control. There is fear of being accepted bythe church and ministry. Sometimes we feel like complete strangers, outsiders. Sometimes, the fear overwhelms us and we cease to create.
Years ago I read a simple and outstanding book by Bayles and Orland called Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils and rewards of Artmaking. The concepts were simple: the only way to conquer the fear was to MAKE ART.
What if the Enemy is the one lying to us about this? The Bible tells us that there is no fear in love. It also says that God is Love. And God is Creator. Out of the essence of His love He has created! His enemy Satan wants to destroy all He has created, and to keep His children from creating. He wants us to be afraid.
Therefore, fear is the enemy of Creativity. Creativity is an act of Love.
We want to help you as an artist grow in intimacy with your Creator, to wallk in His Spirit, to know His Words, and to offer Him your very best. We are Priests and Prophets, called to proclaim Truth in this world. Priests and Prophets and Artists need to be trained, discipled, mentored. We are asking the Spirit to impart to us this mantle of creativity so that our ministry to Him is one of purity, excellence, and anointing. Then our voices will be clear as our work and our lives point this generation to the One who is truly Master of it all.
Studio Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am – 5pm
Holidays: Closed